View Profile ConnerBomb
Hating your favorite things, one day at a time! >:)

Age 36, Male

Student/Game Tester

Collins College

Tempe, Arizona

Joined on 12/10/05

Exp Points:
720 / 900
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.08 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


Hey I'm cool right :P I'm the fellow Arizonan

yea, lots of spam flashes. it sucks, here are some of my favorite artists who are generally underrated, if you havent checked them out yet:


well, it depends on taste but I hope you enjoy them! (if youre interested)

oh and bai

You're cool in my book.

I'll be sure to check them out in my spare time. Thanks for the info. :)

Maybe it'll brighten my spirits up...

Too many underrated artists, too many overrated artists.
The site should have a way for approved review-ers can rate animations discretely, as is on the website, "Metacritic". 99% of the current ratings are superficial, which is why I actually go around my favorite artists' flashes and upvote them frequently. This is actually one of the biggest arguments around the web against newgrounds, as I remember reading "I posted it on newgrounds, some website where hundreds of people can see your work and you can upvote your own submissions ;)." Tom's got the power, he just doesn't use it, as the sheer thought of changing how something works must scare him, as he would not want to lose valuable members. The basic reason people come to this site is that it is the only thing to them that feels democratic. I mean to say, how do you feel when you vote on a submission and see that change to their score? Even if its minute, you still feel that you've actually made a difference, presumably.

When I vote and see the difference, yes, I feel that I made a difference. But here's my problem with it.

It's not because of the voting power, it's because of the experience point and blam/save count that this site has. Some people on this site cares less about the work as long as they can reach level 60 and get their blam/save count up. This is why I like the Audio Portal, because the exp. or the blam/save does not apply in that portal. However, I'm still a little pissed off that when I mention my D&B being awesome, some people decided to 0 vote me... T_T

Some people don't deserve to be on here. Simply put.

Thanks for your insight man. I appreciate it. :)

I've read the whole story, and your're right..

The main reason I've joined Newgrounds is to review + vote on Flash Movies..
But the B/P points are fucking the voting up, since I used to vote alot of 0's on flashes... but then I realised the flash still passed even though I voted 0..
So now I'm voting 2 instead of zero, making me a save whore...

Too much spam flashes are passing, I think it's very annoying..

And I actually always read the full blog =b

I joined to get my name out there in both Flash and Music. So far, Music's been my thing, but that's not the point I'm trying to get out here.

My thing is that people give a fuck about Save Points way too much. All they do is raise your rank, but what the hell is it good for in real life? I say if the flash is a piece of shit, vote 0, even if there are crews with malicious intentions passing it, be the noble one and vote for truth.

And thank you for reading my blog, sir. :)

i am sniper fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

No, I am and always will be. :P

Did you even read my post?

A<a href="http://www...you">www...you</a> can't leave! That's not cool! Your one of the best people on this site! Don't leave because of some stupid prepubescent dickheads!

Once the collab and my solo project are done, there is a good chance I'm leaving this site. Too many people here show the mentality of six-year-olds here. Hell, I think there are some 6 years olds with accounts on this site...

The mindlessness on this site is getting to me and I need to get away from it as soon as I possibly can before I get too overwhelmed.

But out of all of the crap on this site, I've actually found those rare gems that have kept me going. You'll be one of those gems I miss the most if I do choose to leave. You are truly a friend in my mind. :)

man everything you typed is true... it's too bad that it is.

I wish I didn't have to type it. I wish that Newgrounds had more of a seriousness to it to where I didn't need to type it. Maybe of what I've typed will actually open the eyes of everyone who actually give a damn about this site and will try to make it better.

It's just too bad it's just another lost cause to the thousands who use this site...

Thank you for reading my post :)

Lol, Jansen sort of sounds like me too
My friend showed me Lost Odyssey because of my interest in the Unreal Engine.
Very cool.

Yeah, it is. Too bad I lost the 4th disk to it... I can never finish it now... :(

I know exactly what your talking about.
(by the way Betty is back)
Lately these spammers have been useing images of hot furry girls to draw me in and kill my brain cells.

Pises me of so much...

He's not the original betty though... It's just a so-called "Six-Million Dollar" betty that the ballers created.

How dare they attempt to draw you in with furry! They shall be flamed!

: )

Try again T_T