View Profile ConnerBomb
Hating your favorite things, one day at a time! >:)

Age 36, Male

Student/Game Tester

Collins College

Tempe, Arizona

Joined on 12/10/05

Exp Points:
720 / 900
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Hello Everyone.

Posted by ConnerBomb - June 3rd, 2008

I am now officially bored, and since I have no updates on what the hell I'm doing or am going to do, I think I'll answer some comments today.

Feel free to comment here, just keep the spamming to a minimum, if you can

I'll be waiting...

Hello Everyone.


and why is he throwing oragami cranes in the trash?

Because he is waiting for comments, and he waits by making origami cranes. :P

LegendaryAwesome was here! Visit and comment on my userpage and you will get a cookie!

Doesn't hurt to give it a shot! :P

I was surprised too when Moopsie told me it would involve Metal Slug. I think she said one of the flash artists preferred making metal slug sprites.

No one tells me of updates anymore. I feel left out severely...

No one really tells me either but I just happen to find stuff out.

Doesn't that kinda piss you off a little bit? It's one of my biggest pet peeves when I'm misinformed about something that's important.

Communication is the key, God dammit! And I'm not seeing any.

They locked my fred in BBS

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/915756">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9 15756</a>

But i need BA to mayk collab! Wat is BA?
How do i see it?

Can U help wiv COLLAB??

I'm afraid not. I'm already in a collab with another group.

Plus, not a big fan of Crocodile Dundee...

thanks for the help

Sure, not a problem. Always happy to help a fellow NGer. :)


Yep. :P

cute bunny:3

Looks like he's plotting something to me... o_0

Yes, it's adorable. :)

AW Look at the bunny!! So cute!!!!

Indeed, it is adorable. :)

that rabbit is a beast.

Yes he is, sir, yes he is.

Ok I am waiting too.
Meh I am bored.

You just blew my mind! :P

omg that is the cutest pic! but its nice that ur waiting 4 me! and yes i can keep the spamming to a minimum

I have the patience of a god! (not literally, but you get the point.)

And yes, the pic is adorable! :P

Sweet pic dude

Yep, it's just so epic. :P

Dude, can I borrow your lawn mower?

I swear, I only need it for a minute.

Hmm, for what purpose will you use my lawn mower for? <('.'<)

Is that a fender I see?Im not sure though..That fretboard looks like its ebony..And the body seems a but pointy too..Okay its not a fender..What is it?

It's a Peavey Raptor, tuned Drop C for pure metal awesomeness. :)

Got it on my 16th birthday and have been playing on it ever since.

I want to get some of my guitar music on here, but Adobe Audition's a bitch and won't record my guitar when I plug it into my laptop... Is Garageband compatible for PC, do you know?

1. hey dude watsup

2. What method are you using for recording your guitar? Line In (if they even have those on laptops)? USB? its been a while, but I use the same program when I recorded (well, it was Cool Edit at the time) and I can probably fish something up if you want. or if you mean you already know how and just cant get it to work, i dunno :P

3. I'm 99% sure Garageband is Apple exclusive, but you wouldnt want that anyway over Adobe Audition ;)

4. hey, youre ambient and DnB track you posted here are pretty cool :)

1. Well hi there sir!

2. I'm using a USB plug for my guitar to the laptop. I just don't know how to get the program to record it without using a handheld mic a couple inches from the guitar (which sounds like crap, especially with no amp...) I did have a trial version of ACID, but I didn't have any time to go on there due to my schedule and procrastination.

3. I've been hearing a lot of positive feedback on Garageband, so I just wanted to know. AA is frickin sweet; I just need to figure out how to record my guitar properly!

4. I guess they're alright. :)

Oh yeah! Beautiful country out there in Arizona. Always clear skies. I figure it'd be a pretty cool place to live, but I kind of missed the greenery we have back home. But here I miss being able to see stars at night. And Navajo tacos, no matter how bad for you they are.

Heh, yeah. :)

I miss the east coast... I've only been in AZ for about 8 months. I love it, but I miss everything back in South Carolina (family, friends, etc.)

Navajo tacos are the shit!

Ive got a new hotness competition on my userpage! Come check it out!

All right, I'll check it out.

Friday the 13th!