View Profile ConnerBomb
Hating your favorite things, one day at a time! >:)

Age 36, Male

Student/Game Tester

Collins College

Tempe, Arizona

Joined on 12/10/05

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Posted by ConnerBomb - March 12th, 2008

Okay, it's been about maybe one or two weeks since I've been on Newgrounds since I joined two years ago. I've decided to check out NG a little more on the inside.

One of these things: The Crews

I've recently stumbled upon a few things involving crews. More or less, the Clock Crew and the Kitty Krew. I discovered a few things about them, based on what I've seen on their profiles and what I've seen in their flashes.

First off: the Kitty Krew:

I decided to check their individual profiles, along with checking out only a couple of flashes made by them. Yes, they are prone to sub par flashes, I've taken to notice of that. I also noticed, in their profiles, almost every Kitty Krew member is under the age of 18 (14-16 age-wise). Also, they have an interest in certain things, mainly anime and cosplay. Personally, I don't care for both, that's just my opinion. Also, some of the members, by the way their profile looks, are into furries or some shit. Sorry, but furries creep the shit out of me. Enough said.

I'm, however, not against them per se. Soon enough, they'll grow out of it. It just takes time for it to happen.

Now these are assumptions I got from the KK, but the CC?

The Clock Crew, I've found out, run around the same category as the KK, sub par flashes wise. These guys, from what I know, have been around NG since my grade school / middle school days. Other than that, all I know about them is that most of the members are over 18 and that's about it. I would like to investigate more in this crew...

But, from the way I have read reviews and whatnot about them, I found one trait that they both share: both crews hate NG. It's kinda hypocritical for them to actually post flashes on this site , let along stylize their profiles on it as well. I know NG has its flaws, in which I'm sure almost everyone is aware of them, but seriously, what waste your time on this site? The reason I joined is because I hope that I get noticed by a company and such when they see flashes created my me (currently it's not the case, but hopefully, it'll change) and listen to any of the audio I worked on. I did NOT come to be one of those 'Fanboys' of Newgrounds, so the crews says about everyone these days, I want to make a name for myself, and NG is one of those sites in which I can do that.

Another thing I found out : the immaturity level.

Okay, I know this is very obvious on this site. I've seen some of the greatest flashes and audio by some of the most talented flash artists and musicians (Egoraptor and GoreBastard, great examples), and I've seen some flashes that don't deserve to exist (Look at the review on Super Smash Bros. Brawl in my Flash reviews, don't watch it if you haven't seen it,). I also have encountered some unpleasant people, as with everyone else who has an account on NG [yes betty, I'm looking at you >:(]. I do know that NG has a majority of minor users, so it's no surprise, with a 1000:1 ratio from immature to serious people online, but c'mon, it's a little too common, I think.

Seriously, this is obvious to everyone else, but I just wanted to show some insight of what I have seen and heard on NG these past weeks of being on and actually getting involved in the site. Doesn't hurt to examine your surroundings, right?


I never liked the crews. They just clog the portal with flash fodder and somehow they all manage to pass judgement (personally, I think they just have enough members to vote it to passing).

The clock crew hasn't changed.... except for the fact that they are just cranking out flash faster.

I know which Smash flash you are talking about. Honestly, I think they should implement something where if a flash falls below 1.00 it needs to be taken out of the collection.

Yeah, the KK and the CC have a majority of members. that much is true. so that pretty much sums up on why it gets passed in the first place.

The KK is pretty much copying CC. Only difference is that the KK are pretty much furry loving teenagers with nothing else better to do. The Clock Crew just have no lives. :P

I thought there was a blam limit. It's in the FAQ, so it should have taken effect, but I guess there's a certain reason why it didn't.

Thanks for your insight! :)

Thank you. I agree with all of what you say here, but we cant realy take action on the CC as they are an established group in Newgrounds (look in forum FAQs) but the KK isn't so we can attack them all we want. Scince almost all the members of the KK are underage and they make flashes for Adults Only, shouldnt they be banned for that? I think someone should bring that up to Tom and the other adamins, scinceit IS illegal for people under 18 to be viewing, let alone making, pornography. Well, I should be ranting about this on my page, eh? Cya

I never really planned to take action against the Clock Crew. Making fun of them is good enough for me. I'm sure they can take a few jokes.

I'm sure a lot of people have complained to Tom and the others about the KK, but somehow it hasn't helped. Either they can't do anything about it, or they're sick of hearing about it and gave up on the situation.

Thanks for your insights on this! :)